Archives for January 2010

Mochipet Remixes Android Porn into Android Godzilla Porn!


Mochipet Remixes Kraddy’s Android Porn into his own Android Godzilla Porn Epic Madness! Look for it soon on !!!!!!!!

Deceptikon in the Seattle Stranger!

Deceptikon’s recent live show in Seattle got a recommendation from Stranger writer Dave Segal:

Stop Biting: Deceptikon

(Lo-Fi) Former Seattle producer Deceptikon (Zack Wright) has been living in Japan and San Francisco for the last few years or so. Now he’s back for the holidays, in time to liven up that dull week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve with a date at the hiphop/B-boy-friendly weekly Stop Biting. Should be interesting to witness how Deceptikon’s geekily funked-up IDM—his sprightly tracks bump, bleep, and shimmer somewhere between Dabrye and Scientific American—will go down with the breakdancers. He will likely bust out some tracks from his forthcoming album,Mythology of the Metropolis (out February 16 on Daly City Records). DAVE SEGAL